• V. V. Sokurenko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: defense, state policy, military policy, public administration, defense potential


The essence of the concept of «state policy in the sphere of defense» has been analyzed; its objectives, tasks and principles of the organization have been defined. The state policy in the sphere of defense the author suggests to understand as a purposeful, organized activities of public administration, which exercises its authorities through the use of the complex of political, economic, military, social and legal measures to develop long-term programs in the field of defense in order to improve the state’s defense potential, to guarantee integrity and inviolability of its territory and borders.

It is indicated that the objective of the state policy in the sphere of defense is to ensure the protection of life, health and property of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons, to create conditions for legal entities in order to implement interests and the proper functioning of the protection in Ukraine, border integrity, sovereignty and the implementation of the measures for national defense potential.

The state policy in the sphere of defense performs three important functions: defensive – the solution of the problems of preservation of human resources and military and economic potential of the country; social – guaranteeing the protection and life-sustaining activities of the population, rescue and assistance to victims; economic – saving facilities required for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the population’s survival during wartime, protecting material and cultural values, reducing the risk of secondary lesions in wartime.

A distinction of the terms’ content of «state policy in the sphere of defense» and «military policy of the state» has been carried out. The main problems of Ukraine’s defense sector development and the direction of its perfection have been determined. The expediency of the elaboration and adoption of the Concept of development of the sphere of national defense of Ukraine has been grounded. It is stressed that the above stated legal act should define the objectives, tasks, directions, principles, priorities of the state policy in the sphere of defense, the scope and directions of the interaction of special government entities to improve the defense potential of the country, issues of control and supervision in this area.


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How to Cite
Sokurenko, V. V. (2018) “STATE POLICY IN THE SPHERE OF DEFENSE OF UKRAINE: CURRENT STATE AND AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 11-22. Available at: (Accessed: 27September2024).