ISSN 1999-5717 (print)
ISSN 2617-278X (online)
Visn. Hark. nac. univ.
vnutr. sprav
Counteraction to Literary Piracy
An Example of Writing an Article
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Updated headings since 2023:
Schedule of the Collection’s Publication starting from 2019:
Issue per Year |
Final Date |
Approximate Date |
1 |
20.02 |
30.03 |
2 |
20.05 |
30.06 |
3 |
20.08 |
30.09 |
4 |
20.11 |
30.12 |
Publications are submitted in Ukrainian, but certain elements are submitted in several languages.
The author (or one of the authors, if the publication is prepared by several authors) can submit materials in one of two ways:
1) only in electronic form (recommended). To do this, you need to register on the website of the edition on the OJS platform by the link and submit an application. Such a way will soon become permanent;
2) in electronic and printed form. In electronic form, all the materials are sent to the E-mail: [email protected], in printed form they are provided (sent by post) to the executive editor of the Editorial Board (see Contact) and subsequently included to the electronic collection system by specialists. In this case, all authors must sign a paper version of the article; their signatures must be duly stamped.
Together with the article, the executive editor of the Editorial Board should be provided with a review from a scholar, who conducts the research in the specialty and has at least one publication during the last three years in the publications included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, or international publications included in the Web of Science Core Collection and / or Scopus, or has monographs or sections of monographs issued by international publishers that belong to the categories “A”, “B”, or “C” in accordance with the classification of the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE). The review must have a seal stating the signature of the reviewer. By the decision of a member of the Editorial Board, submission of such a review may be the reason for the excuse from passing the review procedures.
3.1. Basic requirements:
– the main document format – doc, docx;
– the font – Times New Roman 14th mark (all elements);
– line spacing – 1,5;
– fields of the document: on the left – 25 mm; the rest – 20 mm;
– the volume of the main text – from 6 to 15 pages;
– do not apply syllabification;
– requirements for the submission of formulas, drawings, tables can be defined separately in the process of submitting materials.
3.2. Requirements for the structure of the article and its elements:
– obligatory elements of the article are: UDC code (defined by library specialists), information about the authors, title, abstract with the key words, main text, lists of references;
– obligatory elements should be placed according to the appropriate model;
– translation of the article’s elements into English (from English, if the article is in English), except for the information about the authors, is carried out or verified by the specialists of the Editorial Board;
– E-mail is indicated in the information about authors, for at least one of the authors, who is determined by other authors as a contact person, and in the case of the submission of the article with one author, the author indicates his e-mail; such information is the subject to publication.
3.3. Requirements for the title.
The title of the article should correspond to its content, should consist of no more than 10 words, should not contain abbreviations, except (if necessary) generally accepted. It is not possible to start the article with the words in regard to, on the issue, etc.
3.4. Requirements for the information about the authors.
Information about the authors is:
– name, middle name, last name (full);
– scientific degree, academic rank (if available);
– the place of work (organization – full name), the name of the unit (department, laboratory, division, etc.);
– ORCID (to register);
– E-mail of the author;
– phone number of the author as a contact person.
These elements are repeated for each author (phone number – at least for one person).
3.5. Requirements for summaries.
The summary includes the characteristic of the main topic, the problem of the object, the purpose of the work and its results. It specifies everything new contained in the provided research in comparison with other research related to the subject and purpose. In general, summaries should provide answers to the following questions:
– What was done?
– Why does the author do it?
– What did the author get?
– Why are these data useful and important?
We distinguish ordinary and extended annotations. Herewith, the extended summary should be deployed with information on the content and results of the study, and ordinary – information on the main ideas and conclusions of the study.
Languages and volumes of summaries. The common annotation is submitted by the language of the publication (recommended volume – is 500 printed characters). The same summary is submitted in Russian, when the language of publication is Ukrainian or English, or in Ukrainian, when the language of publication is Russian. An extended summary is submitted in the language of the publication for further its translation into English by the specialists of the Editorial Board (when the language of publication is Ukrainian or Russian) or in Ukrainian (when the language is English). The volume of the extended summary should be between 1800 and 2000 printed characters (excluding transliteration of the surname, initials of the author, translation of the research title and key words), so that such a summary after the translation will be not less than 1800 characters, including key words, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (c. 4, Part 6 of the Instruction).
Structure of summaries. The summary in the general form should have the following structure: surname, initials of the author (all authors, through commas), research title, text of the summary, key words.
The surname, the initials of the author are provided in the form as indicated in the appropriate language in the corresponding passport. In the absence of the English-language spelling, we use the rules of transliteration provided in the transliteration table of the Ukrainian and Russian alphabets in Latin by the link.
The text of the extended summary must contain the following structural elements (they are not specifically highlighted in the text):
1) subject matter, topic, purpose of the work;
2) the method or methodology of the research, information indicating the relevance and scientific novelty of the work;
3) the main results of the study;
4) the field of application, the practical value of the work;
5) conclusions.
Summary text statement. The presentation of the material in the summary must be concise and accurate, informative, substantial, and structured.
The authors of the text should use syntactic constructions, inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complicated grammatical constructions; apply standardized terminology. It is necessary to adhere to the unity of terminology within the summary.
Abbreviations and symbols, except for commonly used in scientific and technical texts, are used in exceptional cases or their definition is used at first use.
Authors of the summary text should avoid such words as: the author, the article, etc, it is expedient to use an impersonal form of statement, to use the following words: studied, considered, proved, defined, etc.
Key words. At the end of each summary, the key words are provided in the appropriate language. A key word is a word or a stable phrase from the summary text, which, in terms of information retrieval, carries the meaning. The set of key words should reflect beyond the context of the main content of the scientific work; they must be specific in their subject area, meaningful and unique. The number of key words is from 5 to 10. The key words are provided in the nominative case, typed in a row, through a comma.
Quality of the summary. Responsibility for the quality of the summaries (besides literary editing and translation of expanded summaries, carried out by the specialists of the Editorial Board) is solely on the authors. In order to expedite the work of the editors office over the manuscripts of the articles and to ensure the correct translation of the expanded summaries, it is permitted to submit summaries to the Editorial Board that have been already translated, herewith the translation is certified in a proper manner.
In case, when the summaries are prepared with gross violations of the established requirements, the publication of the results of the study may be delayed by the Editorial Board until the author removes the alleged violations, which he is informed in writing or orally immediately after their discovery.
The structure of the text of the original article as theoretical and practical study should contain the following elements, which names are highlighted in bold in the beginning:
4.1. Problem’s setting – is the problem’s setting in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
4.2. The state of the problem’s research is the analysis of recent researches and publications, where the solution of this problem has been initiated and on which the author relies, the allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem, to which this article is focused on; a simple list of the names of scholars is not allowed;
4.3. The objective and tasks of the research are the formulation of the objective, purposes of the article (setting the task); the objective of the research can not be the research itself, one should indicate the achievement of a certain scientific result, which will be obtained during the research;
4.4. The scientific novelty of the research is the new knowledge that is planned to be obtained during this research;
4.5. The main part – is the presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
4.6. Conclusions – the conclusions from this research and perspectives of further studies in this area; they must be organically linked with the title, objective and tasks proclaimed novelty of the research.
Experimental research should have in part other elements instead of the main material, namely: Materials and methods of the research, Research results, Discussion of the results.
The structure of the text of the review article may be different.
References to authors and sources of used or cited materials are obligatory while writing the article. Such references should comply with the policy of counteraction to literary piracy and be formalized in the text as follows:
– inside the text they should look like [1], [2-6], [7, p. 45];
– the numbering should be according to their mention in the article;
– references in the text must be for all sources in the list of references, which is made after the main text of the article.
If the linked article has a digital ID (, you must specify it.
Authors make 2 lists of references according to the State Standards of Ukraine 8302:2015 and in accordance with international standard APA style.
WARNING! Detailed requirements for the execution of references.
The authors bear responsibility for the accuracy of the provided information, the used citations, and the list of sources.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse the manuscripts submitted for publication that are not in compliance with the major aims of the edition, the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, contain literary piracy, as well to return materials to the authors to correct the errors identified and to elaborate, reduce and edit the submitted texts.
The authors are warned that:
– an electronic copy of the collection is placed free of charge on the website of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the section “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”, on the website of the publication, as well as on the library portal of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;
– the articles contained in the collection are freely placed in the open access at the University’s repository (KhNUAIR) and in those open access archives, where the University is registered;
– comments on the published material submitted by the readers can be posted on the website of the periodical edition;
– all published materials after their publication in the edition may be posted on the Internet by the decision of the Editorial Board in the framework of the measures to be taken by the University for the accession of the edition into international scientometrical databases, repositories, catalogs, etc., according to the requirements of these databases, repositories, catalogs, etc.
Only original scientific articles that contain new scientific results and have not been published earlier are accepted for publication in the collection. As an exception, reviews for published works or reviews, scientific and methodical materials may be published in a special section. Such information is obligatory indicated in their summaries.
The originality of scientific articles is primarily determined by the fact that the work does not contain literary piracy. Under the literary piracy we understand:
Verification for the presence of the features of literary piracy in the submitted for publication works is organized by the Editorial Board of the collection and carried out:
Literary piracy is inadmissible. Manuscripts that contain detected literary piracy or text borrowing without references to the original source are rejected by the Editorial Board forever or till the elimination of shortcomings. In order to prevent literary piracy, scholars must comply with the following minimum recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:
The authors are warned that they bear full personal civil liability for the authenticity of the content of the articles. The collection may be under administrative liability in accordance with the procedure established for scientific professional editions of Ukraine, as well as other types of liability. In order to prevent this, unscrupulous authors are also warned that if they pay the relevant contribution for the publication of materials such a contribution can only be returned in part, at a rate of 50 percent of the payment for the publication.
Additional information on counteracting to literary piracy in collection’s publications can be found in other parts of the section “For Authors”.
Materials submitted to the Editorial Board are studied by the responsible member of the Editorial Board, and then sent to the reviewer for the blind review, together with the conclusion by the result of verification for the availability of text borrowings.
The decision on the further fate of the submitted materials by the results of the first blind review is taken by the responsible member of the Editorial Board. The article can be accepted, sent to the author for revision or rejected. If necessary, there may be additional external review (the second blind review) or review by a member of the Editorial Board.
The Editorial Board adopts the final decision to include the publication into the materials of the next issue.
The author receives information on passing relevant procedures through the services of the site on the OJS platform.
Download the Table of Transliteration
ISSN 1999-5717 (print)
ISSN 2617-278X (online)
Visn. Hark. nac. univ.
vnutr. sprav
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