ISSN 1999-5717 (print)
ISSN 2617-278X (online)
Visn. Hark. nac. univ.
vnutr. sprav
Edition’s aim is: distribution of the results of scientific research and advanced experience of scholars and professors of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and other higher educational institutions, highlighting the issues of the relevant problems on combating crime, keeping public order and training personnel for the National Police, improvement of the legal regulation of civil, labor and other relations in Ukraine, etc.
Edition’s objectives are:
Collection of scientific papers “Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ” – “Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav” (“Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs”) – (the first name – “Bulletin of the University of Internal Affairs”) was founded in 1995 and its first printed edition was published in 1996.
From the very beginning the publication was to be a platform for researchers working or studying at the University or engaged in elaboration of scientific issues that were relevant for the University. Certainly the priority tasks of the collection were providing urgent possibility for post-graduate students, competitors, scholars of the University to publish the results of their own research in various fields. The main attention of the collection was paid to theoretical and practical problems of formation and development of the legal system of independent Ukraine, training personnel for police forces – the key agency of the law enforcement system of Ukraine.
The editorial board of the first collection included: Rector of the University, Doctor of Law, Professor Alexander Markovych Bandurka (editor), Doctor of Law, Professor O. N. Yarmysh (deputy editor), P. M. Lvova (executive secretary), Doctor of Law, Professor V. S. Venediktov, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor V. Ya. Hots, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. A. Hrechenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V. A. Druz, Doctor of Law, Professor A. F. Zelinskii, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor I. G. Kyrychenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ye. V. Kovaliov, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor H. K. Kozhevnikov, Ph.D., Professor O. M. Kryvulia, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor O. S. Levashov, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor P. I. Orlov, Doctor of Law, Professor O. A. Pushkin, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor V. O. Sobolev, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor S. V. Yakovliev.
The collection was admitted as a periodical scientific specialized edition in law sciences in 1997 by the resolution of the Highest Certification Committee of Ukraine; since 26.06.1997 in economics, technical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, political sciences and since 11.09.1997 in public administration science.
Eventually the editorial board of the University’s “Bulletin” was renewed. In 2005, the position of the collection’s editor was occupied by Doctor of Law, Professor O. N. Yarmysh; in 2006 this position was occupied by Doctor of Law, Professor O. O. Pogribnyi; in 2007 editorial board was headed by Doctor of Law, Professor A. T. Komziuk; then in 2008 he was replaced by Doctor of Law, Associate Professor H. O. Ponomarenko. The executive secretary of the editorial board of the collection was appointed P. O. Bilous in 2009; in 2020 this position was occupied by Doctor of Juridical Science, Associate Professor V. V. Chumak. Doctor of Law, Professor O. M. Bandurka becomes again the editor of the collection in 2010; starting from the end of 2012 the editorial board is headed by Doctor of Law S. M. Gusarov, and the position of the head of the editorial board from that time is called “editor in chief”. Since March 2016, the editor in chief of the collection has been Doctor of Laws, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine V. V. Sokurenko. In May 2019, the editorial board was headed by Doctor of Laws, Professor L. V. Mohilevskyy.
Special editions of the collection were published:
Issue of 2000 – its most part was compiled with scientific research of young scientists of the University of Internal Affairs, which were discussed at the scientific and practical conference “Problems of the Modern Jurisprudence in the Studies of Young Scientists” (Kharkiv, 14.04.2000);
Issue of 2002 – devoted to the 10th anniversary of the National University of Internal Affairs;
2003 (20.10.2003) – jointly with the scientific journal “Law and Security” – the issue devoted to the 50th anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor Valentin Semenovych Venediktov;
2011 – as a special edition “Independent Ukraine is 20 Years Old” was published with the # 2 (53).
Since 2007 “Bulletin” has adopted a real finding of another periodical professional edition, the founder and publisher of which is the University – the scientific journal “Law and Safety”. Information about the most significant and interesting scientific events at the University, conducted research, published books and other is regularly highlighted on the pages of the collection.
2009 has been marked with a number of important events. First, we started to place electronic copies of the collection in the database “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”, which is being done by Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Secondly, the collection was registered as an international edition in the ISSN International Centre, Paris (ISSN 1999-5717). Thirdly, we have modified numbering of the “Bulletin” during the same year according to the requirements of the State Standard (ДСТУ 4861:2007). This kind of numbering persists to the present day: editions with gross numbering are replaced with numbers and next to the year of publication we state both current (within a year) and gross numbering, which also means a volume number.
Every time participating in the contests for the best scientific, educational and periodical edition within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the nomination “Scientific Journals” the scientific collection became the winner or awardee of the contest: 2008 it took the 3rd place; 2009 was the winner; 2011 again took the 3rd place; 2013 was the 2nd in the nomination.
Today’s “Bulletin” covers a wide range of urgent issues of the state and law, crime combating and keeping public order, administrative law and procedure, financial, information, civil, business, labor, land and environmental law, sociology, etc.
The articles published in the collection since 2015 are placed in the repository of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (KhNUIAIR), which has an international registration.
In 2018 the collection “Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ” (“Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav”) got additional parallel English title – “Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs” (see the State Register of Printed Mass Media and News Agencies as Subjects of Information Activity here).
Online version of the Collection (ISSN 2617-278X) has also received international registration. Such a registration, among other things, means that the Collection received a status of an open access publication since it was included after verification in ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources.
Since 2018 the articles published in the collection get Digital Object Identificator (DOI) from Crossref.
ISSN 1999-5717 (print)
ISSN 2617-278X (online)
Visn. Hark. nac. univ.
vnutr. sprav
Other Editions of the Founder
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