General Characteristics of Administrative and Legal Means of Ensuring Road Traffic Safety in Ukraine
The problem of ensuring road traffic safety is becoming more and more acute and constantly requires measures to improve the systems of such safety. Technical progress, the emergence of a large number of vehicles increasingly leads to serious negative consequences. The complexity of the process of ensuring road traffic safety is that measures in this area should be carried out not only unilaterally by public administration agencies, but also by society in the whole.
The purpose of the research is to rethink outdated points of view on the nature and list of really effective means of ensuring road traffic safety in today’s world, as well as to develop the author’s understanding of the term of “administrative and legal means of road traffic safety”.
The conducted research allowed us to formulate the author’s vision of the concept of administrative and legal means of ensuring road traffic safety. It has been determined that modern technical progress requires updating the system of means of administrative and legal provision of road traffic safety. It has been also concluded that the present day requires the subjects of road traffic safety to create appropriate road conditions and to carry out systematic, complex, comprehensive educational work on the compliance with traffic rules.
The emphasis has been placed on the fact that activities on ensuring road traffic safety are not limited to the mechanisms that state authorities are authorized to carry out, but are of comprehensive nature. The compliance with the principles of comprehensiveness and systematization in ensuring road traffic safety are the main postulates in creating safe conditions for road traffic participants.
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Copyright (c) 2021 V. V. Sokurenko, A. O. Strizhak

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