Institution of preventive measures: retrospective analysis and perspectives for reforming

  • T. H. Fomina Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: criminal procedure, preventive measures, Criminal and procedural Code of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, reform of criminal judicial proceedings


The scientific approach to the reform of the legal system leads to address to the historical analysis of the formation of one of the main institutions of criminal procedural law – preventive measures. Historical approach to the study of a particular legal phenomenon, in particular preventive measures, made it possible to determine how and when this institution arose, what stages of development it passed, and on this basis – to predict the perspectives for its development.

Regulatory acts of the XIX–XXI centuries have been studied, the list of preventive measures that were used in the Soviet period during the criminal judicial proceedings on the territory of our state has been determined, and the ways of reforming this institution in the modern period have been outlined. It has been established that the period from 1917 to 2012 is characterized by the formation of the institution of preventive measures under the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic of 1922, 1927 and 1960. The system of preventive measures in accordance with the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic of 1922 included a written undertaking not to leave the place, a personal and property guarantee, a pledge, house arrest and detention in custody. In 1927, the system of preventive measures, in addition to those mentioned, included such a measure as the guarantee of professional and other non-governmental organizations. According to the Criminal and Procedural Code of 1960, the system of preventive measures has been somewhat modified, since such measures as caution bail and house arrest were excluded. In this regard, the most used preventive measures were a written undertaking not to leave the place and detention in custody. Alternative preventive measures were not actually applied.

In 2012, there was a new stage in the development of criminal judicial proceedings in Ukraine, which indicated the formation of a modern model of the institution of preventive measures aimed at ensuring human rights during their application. Taking into account the directions of development, we have defined the Strategy for the reform of the judicial system and related legal institutions for 2015–2020, further improvement of the institution of preventive measures should be carried out in accordance with international legal standards.


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How to Cite
Fomina, T. H. (2018) “Institution of preventive measures: retrospective analysis and perspectives for reforming”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 145-153. Available at: (Accessed: 1February2025).

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