Certain causes of legal nihilism in the enforcement activities of the National Police of Ukraine

  • O. O. Diakova Kharkiv national university of internal affairs
Keywords: interpretation of the norms of law, enforcement judgment, legal nihilism, causes of legal nihilism


The study of the problem of the causes of legal nihilism in society is quite relevant because of the formation of legal awareness and legal culture – opposite in their meaning to nihilism phenomena – occurs under the influence of various factors, which depend on historical and social preconditions and stages of development of society. Ukraine is now experiencing the times of reforms and socio-political changes that directly affect the formation of an individual and society in the whole. And in the light of the formation of a new executive power – the National Police of Ukraine, which has to change its outlook compared with the past militia, – the development of mechanisms for eliminating the causes of legal nihilism is an extremely important area of scientific research.

The author of the article among many causes of legal nihilism has researched the process of daily interpretation of the norms of law by police officers within law enforcement activities. Enforcement judgment is a very important component of the police activities, so the effectiveness of its use is an important factor in the process of combating the manifestations of legal nihilism. Thus, although such an important element of the enforcement process as enforcement judgment, while exercising subsidiary functions in the realization of law, often leaves the subjective limits, which, in turn, are aimed at achieving not the purpose of enforcement, but the satisfaction of personal, illegal privileges, incompatible with the principles of enforcement activities.

Regarding the widespread deviation from the principles of the enforcement, we can argue that at the present stage of the development of political and legal system of Ukraine, the key factor causing violations of the principles of the enforcement within the police is the corruption component of the enforcement practice and the priority of own interests to the interests of society and the state.


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How to Cite
Diakova, O. O. (2018) “Certain causes of legal nihilism in the enforcement activities of the National Police of Ukraine”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 41-49. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/5 (Accessed: 26March2025).