Забезпечення юридичної відповідальності держави – ключовий виклик правової реформи в сучасній Україні
Визначено деякі особливості конституційної інституціалізації юридичної відповідальності держави в умовах докорінних правових змін, що відбуваються в Україні. Констатовано, що феномен юридичної відповідальності держави – це своєрідне продовження політико-правової стратегії із самообмеження держави правом. Така відповідальність вважається невід’ємною характерною ознакою правового типу державності, вона безпосередньо стосується лише держав демократичного типу. Наголошено, що в умовах демократії держава є реальним суб’єктом відповідальності перед суспільством, що забезпечується нормативно й інституційно.
Yaremchuk S.V., 2014. To the Problem of the Institution of Personal Responsibility’s Formation in Ukraine [Do problemy formuvannia instytutu vidpovidalnosti derzhavy pered osoboiu v Ukraini]. Naukovij vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu vnutrìšnìh sprav – Scientific Bulletin of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, No. 3, pp. 41-52.
Shemshuchenko Yu.S., Onishchenko N.M., Parkhomenko N.M., Stoietskyi S.V. et al., 2014. The Concept of Improving the Institute of Legal Responsibility of the State Towards Society and the Individual in Ukraine [Kontseptsiia udoskonalennia instytutu yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti derzhavy pered hromadianskym suspilstvom ta osoboiu v Ukraini]. Kyiv: Instytut derzhavy i prava im. V. M. Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy.
Zaichuk O.V., 2014. The Concept of Improving the Institution of the Legal Responsibility of the State Towards Society and the Individual in Ukraine [Kontseptsiia udoskonalennia instytutu yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti derzhavy pered hromadianskym suspilstvom ta osoboiu v Ukraini]. Časopis Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu prava – Law Review of Kyiv University of Law, No. 3, pp. 311-312.
Pesin S.V., 2002. The State as the Subject of Legal Responsibility: the Theoretical and Legal Analysis [Gosudarstvo kak sub``ekt yuridicheskoi otvetstvennosti: teoretiko-pravovoi analiz]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Romanova V.V., 2007. The Legal Responsibility of the State [Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost` gosudarstva]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Kazan State University.
Onishchenko N., 2015. Human Rights in the Context of Administrative Legal Relations’ Regulation [Prava liudyny v konteksti zabezpechennia rehuliuvannia administratyvnykh pravovidnosyn]. In: Nechytailo O.M. (ed.). Protection of Human Rights in Administrative Proceedings: Current and Future Prospects of Development in Ukraine [Zakhyst prav liudyny v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi: suchasnyi stan i perspektyvy rozvytku v Ukraini]. Kyiv, 1-2 October. Kyiv: Vaite. Pp. 82-87.
Chernukha T.L., 2015. To the Problem of State Self-restraint in the Philosophical and Legal Doctrine of Georg Jellinek [Do problemy samoobmezhennia derzhavy u filosofsko-pravovii doktryni Heorha Yellineka]. Naukovì zapiski NaUKMA. Fìlosofìâ ta relìgìêznavstvo – NaUKMA Research Papers in Philosophy and Religious Studies, Vol. 167, pp. 66-69.
Ivanchuk N.V., 2007. The Mutual Responsibility of the Individual and the State in the Context of the Modern Ukrainian State Development [Vzaiemna vidpovidalnist osoby i derzhavy v konteksti rozbudovy suchasnoi Ukrainskoi derzhavy]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Onishchenko N., 2013. To the Issue of the Doctrine of Human Rights in Ukraine Development (Years of Independence) [Do pytannia pro rozvytok doktryny prav liudyny v Ukraini (roky nezalezhnosti)]. Pravo Ukraïni – Law of Ukraine, No. 9, pp. 176-193.
Onishchenko N.M., 2008. The Perception of Law in a Democratic Development. Problems, Realities, Prospects [Spryiniattia prava v umovakh demokratychnoho rozvytku. Problemy, realii, perspektyvy]. Kyiv: Instytut derzhavy i prava imeni V. M. Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy. (Ed.: Shemshuchenko Yu.S.).
Serediuk V.V., 2015. The State Responsibility as an Element of the Concept of “Legal State” [Vidpovidalnist derzhavy yak element poniattia “pravova derzhava”]. Časopis Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu prava – Law Review of Kyiv University of Law, No. 1, pp. 42-45.
Stakhura B.I., 2016. The Role of Public Authorities in Ensuring the Person and the Citizen Rights in a Democratic Society: a Theoretical and Legal Aspect [Rol orhaniv derzhavnoi vlady u zabezpechenni prav liudyny i hromadianyna v demokratychnomu suspilstvi: teoretyko-pravovyi vymir]. Ph.D. dissertation. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.
Onishchenko N.M., 2008. The Improving the Legislation’s Effectiveness as a Condition for the Social Conflicts Prevention [Pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti zakonodavstva yak peredumova zapobihannia sotsialnym konfliktam]. Naukovì zapiski Ìnstitutu polìtičnih ì etnonacìonalʹnih doslìdženʹ ìm. Ì.F. Kurasa NAN Ukraïni – Scientific notes of the I.F. Kuras Institute of political and ethnic studies, Iss. 41, pp. 36-44.
Bysaha Yu.Yu., 2011. The Legal Responsibility of Public Authorities and Local Self-government: the Theoretical and Legal Research [Yurydychna vidpovidalnist orhaniv derzhavnoi vlady ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia: teoretyko-pravove doslidzhennia]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Kiss S.V., 2016. The Development of a Welfare State in Ukraine: Theoretical, Historical and Legal Aspects [Rozvytok sotsialnoi derzhavy v Ukraini: teoretychni ta istoryko-pravovi aspekty]. Ph.D. dissertation. Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”.
Onishchenko N.M. and Sunegin S.O., 2014. Responsibility of a State Before a Person in the Context of Civil Society Development [Vidpovidalnist derzhavy pered osoboiu v konteksti rozvytku hromadianskoho suspilstva]. Deržava ì pravo – State and Law, Iss. 64, pp. 3-11.
Markunin R.S., 2013. The Legal Responsibility of Deputies and Representative Bodies: the General Theoretical Aspect [Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost` deputatov i organov predstavitel`noi vlasti: obshcheteoreticheskii aspekt]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Saratov State Law Academy.
Pylypyshyn P.B., 2017. The Constitutional and Legal Liability of the Local Self-government Authorities’ Bodies and Officers in Ukraine [Konstytutsiino-pravova vidpovidalnist orhaniv ta posadovykh osib mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v Ukraini]. Ph.D. dissertation. Institute for State and Law named after V. M. Koretskyi of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Ovcharenko O.M., 2018. Judicial Liability of Judges: Issues of Theory and Practice [Yurydychna vidpovidalnist suddiv: pytannia teorii i praktyky]. D.Sc. dissertation. National University “Odessa Law Academy”.
Kushkhova B.Z., 2009. The Legal Responsibility of Public Authority in Modern Russia: the General Theoretical Aspect [Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost` publichnoi vlasti v sovremennoi Rossii: obshcheteoreticheskii aspekt]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Kuban State Agrarian University.
Baulin Yu.V., 2014. The Development of the Constitutional Doctrine of Ukraine in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine [Rozvytok konstytutsiinoi doktryny ukrainskoi derzhavy v rishenniakh Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy]. Kyiv.
Svirydenko G.V., 2017. Lawful Behavior: Theoretical-and-Practical Basis [Pravomirna povedinka: teoretyko-prykladni zasady]. D.Sc. dissertation. Institute for State and Law Named After V. M. Koretskyi of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Verba I.O., 2016. The Right to Justice Access and Its Legal Support: the General Legal Characteristics [Pravo na dostup do pravosuddia ta yoho yurydychne zabezpechennia: zahalnopravova kharakterystyka]. D.Sc. dissertation. Classic Private University.
Ovcharenko O.M., 2008. The Accessibility of Justice and Guarantees of its Implementation [Dostupnist pravosuddia ta harantii yoho realizatsii]. Kharkiv: Pravo.
Onishchenko N.M., Stoietskyi S.V. and Suniehin S.O., 2014. To the Issue of State Responsibility Towards the Civil Society [Do pytannia pro vidpovidalnist derzhavy pered hromadianskym suspilstvom]. Časopis Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu prava – Law Review of Kyiv University of Law, No. 2, pp. 9-13.
Trofimova M.P., 2000. The Legal Responsibility Functions [Funktsii yuridicheskoi otvetstvennosti]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation. Samara State Academy of Economics.
Khachaturov R.L. and Lipinskii D.A., 2007. The General Theory of Legal Liability [Obshchaya teoriya yuridicheskoi otvetstvennosti]. St. Petersburg: Yuridicheskii tsentr Press.
Azemsha I.B., 2012. The Features of the Institution of Legal Responsibility Formation in Ukraine [Osoblyvosti formuvannia instytutu yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti v Ukraini]. Časopis Kiïvsʹkogo unìversitetu prava – Law Review of Kyiv University of Law, No. 2, pp. 44-47.
Shumylo M. and Andrushko O., 2018. The State as a Subject of the Legal Responsibility Towards the Person in Criminal Proceedings [Derzhava yak subiekt yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti pered liudynoiu u kryminalnomu protsesi]. Pravo Ukraïni – Law of Ukraine, No. 8, pp. 15-33.
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