Keywords: labor and legal liability, National Police of Ukraine, police officer, labor law, agencies of the National Police


The labor and legal liability within the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine in the conditions of its reform has been characterized; its structural elements have been considered. It has been determined that the emergence of the term “labor and legal liability” is explained by the fact that such a liability arises during the implementation of labor legal relations or is directly related to their origin, change or termination. Labor and legal liability – is the responsibility in the labor process, responsibility for activities related to the realization of the right to work, responsibility of the subjects of labor law for their actions or omission. The notion of disciplinary liability is not enshrined at the legislative level, therefore, to find out its legal nature, the author has analyzed the opinions of scholars.

The characteristics of the draft of the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine concerning disciplinary penalties and encouragement of the police officers have been provided. It has been determined that the characteristic feature of material liability is the possibility of its application to both parties to the labor contract. The material liability of the police officers is expressed in their obligation to fully or partially compensate for the pecuniary damage caused by their fault.

It has been concluded that the material liability of the police officers is divided into limited, full and increased. The type of the liability depends on the characteristics of the service, the duties of employees, the manner of causing damage, the degree and form of guilt, the status of the person who caused the damage, the value and type of property. It has been determined that there is not enough attention paid to the protection of the honor, dignity and reputation of the police officers in the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”; therefore it has been offered to make certain amendments to the current legislation. The author has provided own definition of the concept of “labor and legal liability within the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine”.


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How to Cite
Honcharuk, V. V. (2018) “THE CONCEPT OF LABOR AND LEGAL LIABILITY WITHIN THE AGENCIES OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 78(3), pp. 194-201. Available at: (Accessed: 19October2024).