The object of the study in the article is the economic security of the state in the context of counteracting the challenges and threats posed by modern globalization processes. The objective of the study was to identify and classify modern threats to national security in the economy area and the impact of clustering on reducing and minimizing the negative effects of globalization processes on the country’s economic security processes.
As a result of applying the abstraction method, the author has distinguished and classified threats and risks inherent to the economic security of the state as a component of the national security. By comparing models of economic development of different countries, the role of clustering in strengthening the economic security of the state, in increasing the level of competitiveness of the national economy, its ability to withstand modern risks and crises has been determined. The author has defined the indicators – threshold values, violation of which threaten the sustainable development of the economy and social stability. Accordingly, it has been emphasized on the need to implement a cluster model as an effective lever for strengthening the national economy. The threats to economic security have been classified; the author has determined those, which destructive effect can be reduced and leveled by clustering the economy. The necessity of legislative consolidation of the concepts “cluster” and “clustering” has been emphasized.
The conclusion of the study is that the creation of clusters provides a synergistic effect and allows to eliminate many negative factors of both internal and external nature.
Research results can be used to develop a new Strategy for Ensuring Economic Security and Concepts on the Creation and Development of Clusters and to be taken into account while implementing the state policy in the economic sphere.
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