Specific Features of Police Care Regarding the Minors

Keywords: minors, police care, police care sheet, children rights protection.


The article is focused on the problems of legal regulation of preventive police action – police care. The authors have carried out the analysis of scientific works, the authors of which studied the peculiarities of the procedure of police care in regard to minors. The newly introduced legal institution of “police care” has been characterized; the legal status of a child has been determined. The authors have established the qualities of a police officer to effectively ensure the rights and interests of children. The authors have provided the relevant recommendations for improving the regulation of legal relations in the field of police care regarding the minors.

The authors of the article have revealed the most topical issues regarding the procedure for the application of police care in regard to minors.

A detailed theoretical characteristic of the procedural registration of police care has been provided. The requirements for the minutes form on the application of police care have been provided in details. The most frequent mistakes made by police officers in recording this fact have been characterized. The authors of the article have clarified the types of assistance provided by police officers to minors in order to achieve effective protection of the rights and interests of the latter.

It has been proved that enshrining the concepts, specific features, legal nature, procedures of police care at the legislative level is a significant step towards protecting the legitimate interests of a man and citizen, where minors are special, least vulnerable subjects. Unfortunately, the timeframe for a police officer to take police care in regard to children has not been clearly defined. It has been established that police officers in most cases draw up the fact of police care not with police care sheet, but with a report, which is a violation of the law.

The authors have expressed the suggestion on the need to conduct trainings with police officers, courses of advanced training on problematic issues in the field of psychological methods of communication with minors in adverse, difficult, conflict situations, where they would study in details the tactical, psychological methods of communication with children.


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Author Biographies

S. V. Medvedenko, Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Philosophy.
Department Administrative Activities of the Police (senior lecturer).

M. V. Zaburannyi, Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

Department Administrative Activities of the Police (lecturer).


Shemshuchenko Yu.S. (Ed.), 2002. Legal encyclopedia [Yurydychna entsyklopediia]: in 6 vols. Vol. 4. Kyiv: Ukrainska entsyklopediia.

Zelenskyi E.S., 2015. The police care for minors: content of and procedure [Politseiske pikluvannia shchodo nepovnolitnikh osid: zmist ta poriadok zastosuvannia]. Naukovij vìsnik Užgorodsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ Pravo – Uzhhorod National University Herald. Series: Law, Iss. 35, Part 1, Vol. 2, pp. 117-121.

How to Cite
Medvedenko, S. V. and Zaburannyi, M. V. (2021) “Specific Features of Police Care Regarding the Minors ”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 94(3), pp. 126-134. doi: 10.32631/v.2021.3.11.
Administrative Law and Procedure; Financial Law