Dogmatic Construction of Universal Legal Succession in the Field of Inheritance Law
The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of universal legal succession in the field of inheritance law.
The relevance of the research topic is due to a number of factors. First of all, it is the need to ensure both the proper posthumous transfer of the rights and responsibilities from the ancestor to lawful heirs, and the stability of property relations. Besides, it should be noted that the process of recoding (updating) the civil legislation of Ukraine has begun.
As a result of the conducted research, it has been concluded that hereditary legal succession and hereditary legal relationship are not identical concepts. Succession, as a one-time transition, is the dynamics, movement of the hereditary legal relationship or a manifestation of the latter. If the moment of the hereditary legal relationship’s origin is related to the time of the opening of the inheritance, then the succession, as the dynamics of the legal relationship, occurs with the acceptance of the inheritance by lawful heirs.
The integrity of the construction of universal hereditary legal succession is ensured by a set of the following factors: 1) the succession passes to lawful heirs unchanged as a cohesive whole, with all the methods of provision and the burdens imposed on it; 2) immediacy, which is manifested in the fact that the lawful heir acquires the succession directly from the ancestor without prior transfer to third parties; 3) the uniqueness of the transfer of the succession to lawful heirs from the time of its opening, regardless of the time of acceptance and state registration; 4) the rights and obligations that belonged to the ancestor are transferred to lawful heirs in the same form in the composition, volume and value, which existed at the time of the opening of the succession; 5) conclusiveness and unconditionalness of the acts of the succession’s acceptance and refusal of its acceptance.
The universality of inheritance legal succession is a principle of inheritance law, which determines its content, direction of legal regulation and fully covers all institutions of inheritance law. That is why the essence of the construction of universal legal succession as a basic category of inheritance law is not limited to the concept of succession, contained in the Art. 1216 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
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