• L. V. Reznichenko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: educational legal relationship, service, public, private legal, higher education


In the article we consider the legal relationship in the field of higher education, which is the subject of legal regulation of civil law rules. We analyzed theoretical achievements on the characteristics of educational legal relations in the context of general theory of legal relationship doctrine. Legal relationship in the field of education, as well as any subject and practice activity in the society inherents a complex nature, which is not a unique phenomenon. Complexity takes place in ecological, medical, transport, building and other areas where along with an administrative regulation there is a place for civil law regulation. With Ukrainian independency began a radical reform of educational relationship towards the market oriented environment and departure from the absolute dominance of public law segment. The emergence of private component in regulation of educational legal relationship changed the system and the balance of its elements and after this representatives in different branches of law showed interest to this problem. Irregularity in current legislation, gaps, its contradictory generate pluralism of science thought, from denial of civil law nature of the contract on provision of educational services to attempts to treat it solely for public educational positions.

We considered educational relationship in the context of civil law management and educational services are determined by separating them from other objects of civil rights. The above type of services is assigned to relative binding legal relationship that is characterized by duration of subjects interaction, which is due for a period of education, a combination of public and private interests, and also for the presence by the subjects of a certain level of intellectual development. We analysed the existing scientific paradigms on the «service» concept, singled out wide and narrow understanding of this category. We noted a multiplicity of approaches regarding educational service as it is and its various manifestations – social, economic and legal.


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How to Cite
Reznichenko, L. V. (2018) “PRIVATE LEGAL COMPONENT IN THE REGULATION OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 153-161. Available at: (Accessed: 9October2024).