• R. K. Bichurin Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: interrogation, murder, hooligan motive, forensic tactics, investigation of murders


The relevance of the research of tactics of interrogating a suspect in having committed murder with hooligan motives is due to the need of forming specific tactical recommendations on the specifics of conducting interrogation of a suspect in the criminal proceedings of the specified category.

Based on the analysis of the practice of the agencies of pre-trial investigation, scientific literature the author has offered itemization of the main provisions of tactics of conducting interrogation of a suspect while investigating the murders with hooligan motives. It is noted that there are three main factors in the basis of successful interrogation of a suspect in the commission of a murder with hooligan motives: a) psychological process of forming the testimony; b) establishment of relationship with the interrogated person; c) skillful use of interrogation tactics considering the situation that has emerged during the investigation (search) action.

In preparation for the interrogation the investigator has to find out the range of circumstances to be proved, the objectives of the interrogation, to understand own psychological and theoretical preparations for this action, the nature and extent of available information, etc. It is extremely important to apply correctly the norms of criminal procedural law regulating interrogation procedure and determining the admissibility of techniques of conducting this investigative action. It is also necessary to identify the interrogated person’s characteristics, in the extent permitted by the law, in order to form an individual approach. Development and improvement of tactics of interrogating a suspect in the murder is an important area for further research.


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How to Cite
Bichurin, R. K. (2018) “FEATURES OF TACTICS WHILE INTERROGATING A SUSPECT IN COMMITTING MURDER WITH HOOLIGAN MOTIVES”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 38-45. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/149 (Accessed: 27September2024).