Keywords: administrative law functions, efficiency of administrative law functions, implementation of administrative law functions, means of providing administrative proceedings, minutes of an administrative offence, search of a dwelling


Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of victims from administrative offenses depends on the effective work as courts as law enforcement agencies, which is deteriorated among other things, because of the existing gaps in the legislation; thus, the objective of the research is to determine the efficiency of administrative law functions and the ways to improve it.

The concept and problems of the efficiency of administrative law functions has been considered. It has been noted that the proper operation of the functions of this area of law reflect their effectiveness, i.e. the degree of achievement of those consequences that would be achieved during their implementation. It has been concluded that the efficacy of administrative law functions directly depends on the effectiveness of their implementation.

Particular attention is paid to the gap in administrative and legal regulation of the issue of executing minutes of an administrative offense in terms of the absence of the access to housing of an offender, where he hides from the police. It has been offered to provide in the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences among the measures of administrative proceedings, such a measure as the search of a dwelling or other property of a person, against whom we have to file minutes on administrative offense by a court decision, in order to ensure effective work of law enforcement agencies during the proceedings on administrative offenses, the proper protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of victims from administrative offenses and effective implementation of administrative law functions.


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How to Cite
Myronets, O. M. (2018) “EFFICIENCY OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW FUNCTIONS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 162-170. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/134 (Accessed: 29January2025).