Scientific development of counteracting robberies at railway facilities by criminal police units

  • S. V. Ivashko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: criminal police, criminal investigation, counteraction, scientific development, robberies, railway.


Research papers from different areas of legal sciences, which studied some aspects of counteracting crimes at railway facilities or robberies in general as a form of crime have been analyzed. It has been determined that scholars studied this issue from the following points of view:

– development of criminal and legal, forensic and criminological characteristics of crimes at railway facilities in order to model and determine their typical features;

– determining the causes and conditions that assist crime commission at railway facilities with further suggestion of possible ways to eliminate them;

– development and determining the directions, forms and possible ways to prevent crimes at railway facilities;

– determining the typical investigative situations of preliminary investigation of crimes at railway facilities;

– singling out perspective directions of improving the interaction of operative units, including the criminal investigation, while counteracting crime at railway facilities;

– determining features of organizational and tactical principles of combating crime at railway facilities;

– development of directions of implementing the possibilities of the off-duty secret employees within the process of counteracting crime at railway facilities.

However, most of the papers, directly or indirectly devoted to this topic, were realized before recent fundamental changes in law and law enforcement sectors. Considering specified, it has been stated that today there is no comprehensive monographic study on counteracting robberies at railway facilities by criminal police units that necessitates a more active scientific research of this issue.


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How to Cite
Ivashko, S. V. (2018) “Scientific development of counteracting robberies at railway facilities by criminal police units”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 95-103. Available at: (Accessed: 19October2024).