The concept and basic dimensions of globalization as a specific form of the modern transformation process

  • М. V. Pampura Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: globalization, political process, transformation, political changes, modernization, democratization.


The essence and content of “globalization” have been determined. The basic modern scientific approaches to studying the process of globalization as a kind of transformation process have been considered. The basic components of globalization as a specific transformation process of modern state and legal reality have been established; their content and features have been analyzed. It has been grounded that the most accurate understanding of globalization gives an idea about itself as a process, not the kind of unique phenomenon. It is not the result of a simplified logic of linear development and as a separate kind of transformation process reflects the emergence and development of interregional structures and systems of cooperation and exchange. It has been proved that globalization is associated with increasing proportions of powerful intervention, i.e. with increasing spatial length of authorities and structures. It has been noted that the global system, which elements are becoming more dependent on each other, the centers of power are increasingly moving away from subjects and branches of powerful influence. It has been emphasized that spatial coverage of relationships and density of relations between communities, countries, international institutions, NGOs and multinational corporations form a new global rigidly stratified structure, because this process is extremely uneven: it takes into account the existing models of inequality and hierarchy, but also creates new ones.


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How to Cite
PampuraМ. V. (2018) “The concept and basic dimensions of globalization as a specific form of the modern transformation process”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 50-58. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).