Problems of forming the national army in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (March, 1917 – April, 1918)
The basic stages and directions of the national military building of the period of Ukrainian Central Rada have been researched. It has been indicated that the February revolution of 1917 became a catalyst that accelerated the democratic processes in the Russian army, gave impetus to spontaneous Ukrainianization of military units. The effects of the processes of democratization and Ukrainization of the army have been demonstrated. The author has provided the estimation of the views and attitudes of the leaders of Rada to these processes, their involvement in the creation of the national army. The second stage of military building in the Ukrainian People’s Republic has been analyzed, which is characterized by unsuccessful attempts of the socialist majority of Rada to create Ukrainian army on voluntary principles. Both positive and negative experience of the formation of the national army in the Ukrainian People’s Republic has been researched. It has been concluded that the guarantor of political, economic and cultural independence of the state is to be capable, well-organized, properly armed army, which is supported by the people and protects the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
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