International cooperation as one of the priorities in improving the efficiency of training officers for agencies and divisions of the National Police of Ukraine
The author has emphasized the fact that nowadays there is an urgent need for scientific analysis of the training system of police personnel in Ukraine; establishment of uniform standards of police personnel training, extension of cooperation within law enforcement area has become very important; the need to strengthen international cooperation in the sphere of police training has been enhanced.
The author argues that international cooperation in the sphere of police personnel training is a new promising area of international cooperation in crime combating area. The direct participation of the National Police of Ukraine in this cooperation will develop an optimal model of police training.
The state of international cooperation of Ukraine in the field of police personnel training at the universal, regional and bilateral levels has been considered in details. The author has offered to establish an international center for police personnel training on the basis of one of educational institutions, which train police officers. Herewith the author divides the standards that are to be trained for police officers into professional and those in the area of guaranteeing human rights.
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