The legal relevance of unilateral copyright statements on websites
The presented study is aimed at determining the current state of the legal context and legal consequences of the formulation of certain components of unilateral copyright statements on websites. In the research process, such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of generalization, study of documentation and methods of descriptive statistics were used.
In order to interpret various options of legal aspects of the use of the mentioned statement, an empirical study was conducted which included the study of the main web pages of scientific institutions that receive state support in 2024. The study was conducted in November 2024. The web page availability and order validity with marker “valid” filters were used. The original sample was reduced because about 10 % of the websites listed in the document were not functional and some appeared twice in the document. The final sample consisted of 121 websites.
The choice of websites of scientific institutions is justified by two factors: the specifics of the activity, which involves the generation of large volumes of original works and the paradigm of open science which imposes new requirements on copyright management.
It has been established that the use of a unilateral copyright statements is quite complex and debatable. Trends in the wording of copyright statements on websites belonging to Ukrainian scientific institutions have been determined. The legal context and legal consequences of the formulation of certain components of unilateral copyright statements on websites in the projection of current regulation have been established. Based on such data, a generalized assessment of the legal responsibility of website owners in the context of the raised issue has been provided. The prospect of further exploration is to investigate the behaviour patterns and the level of legal responsibility of users in connection with unilateral statements of website owners.
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Copyright (c) 2024 D. I. Shmatkov, D. V. Pashniev, O. V. Khliestkov, S. O. Kolomiitsev

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