Tools of preventive police activity in the field of combating cruelty to animals

Keywords: tools of police activity, tools of preventive activity, prevention of cruelty to animals, organizational tools, regulatory tools, countering cruelty to animals.


Theoretical and practical approaches to the organization of the activities of police units recently, especially in the conditions of martial law, require rethinking and more efficient and effective mechanisms. Martial law significantly increased the level of trust of the population in the police, on the one hand, and on the other hand – created even more difficulties in the organization of their activities. Determining one of the priorities of the police activity of ensuring people’s rights, reformatting activities from penal to service branch, ensuring safety and order in society – all this contributes to the process of intensifying the improvement of views on the need to ensure the formation of high moral standards and a high level of legal culture in society. The specified provision on changing the theoretical orientation of scientific approaches to practical ones. It follows that prevention, as the main type of police activity, should be aimed at meeting the needs of society, and not at developing indicators of crime detection.

It is noted that the forms and methods of police activity at the current stage of combining theory and practice should be considered as tools of police activity. The tools of preventive activity were analyzed, they were divided into groups, and the areas requiring further development were characterized. Cruelty to animals is one of the negative factors that affect the legal awareness and morality of society. The prevention of such an occasion is the basis for the formation of a further highly moral society and the reduction of cruelty among people. The content of the police toolkit, which is used to prevent animal cruelty in Ukraine, is explained. Attention is focused on the organizational tools of preventive activities regarding cruelty to animals.


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Author Biographies

V. S. Seliukov, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,

Department of Organizational and Analytical Work and Control (head).

А. І. Potikhenskyi, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Military Law Institute,

Department of Military Law (associate professor).


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How to Cite
Seliukov, V. S. and PotikhenskyiА. І. (2024) “Tools of preventive police activity in the field of combating cruelty to animals ”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 105(2 (Part 2), pp. 185-195. doi: 10.32631/v.2024.2.40.