Transformation of the value and sense sphere of the cadets from higher education institutions with specific study conditions for police training
The importance of personal value orientations for determining the motives of behaviour has been demonstrated. The changes in the polystructural value orientations of the cadets from higher education institutions with specific study conditions for police training under the influence of quarantine measures and martial law have been studied. The study was carried out on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The methodology of polystructural value orientations of personality by S. Bubnov and the U-criterion of Mann-Whitney were used in the study.
It has been demonstrated that cadets’ value orientations related to active interaction with society under the influence of COVID-19 quarantine restrictions have decreased in importance. The most important value orientations for the cadets were the following: “having good time, leisure”, “recognition and respect by people and influence on others”, “help and mercy to other people”. The least important for them were such value orientations as “search for beauty”, “social activity to achieve positive changes in society”, “discovering new things in the world, nature, and people”, and “communication”. The value orientation “health” took an insignificant place in the structure of values.
It has been shown that such value orientations as “having good time, leisure”, “high-income”, “recognition and respect by people and influence on others” have become less important for cadets under martial law. The most resistant to the influences of the social situation of personality development among the surveyed cadets were such polystructural value orientations as “having good time, leisure”, “recognition and respect by people and influence on others”, and “love”.
After being under martial law, certain personal value orientations of cadets have become less important than they were in the so-called pre-martial law period, namely: “having good time, leisure”; “high-income”, “recognition and respect by people and influence on others”, “search for beauty”.
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Copyright (c) 2023 S. V. Kharchenko, A. O. Siroshtan

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