The problematic issues of the essence of the forensic autotechnical expertise and its correlation with other engineering and technical expertise in studying vehicles and the circumstances of transport accidents have been considered. The importance of the object of the expertise for building an in-class classification of engineering and technical expertise has been stressed. Presented in the specialized literature position on the inclusion of psychological knowledge about the psychophysical state of a driver into the subject of autotechnical expertise has not been supported.
The author has suggested own definition of the concept of forensic engineering and auto-technical expertise as the research by an expert on the basis of special knowledge of vehicles, their details, traffic conditions, other circumstances and the mechanism of motorized vehicle accidents, which contain information on the circumstances of the case in the proceedings of the pre-trial investigation agencies or the court.
It has been emphasized that there is no uniform approach to the classification of examinations in the current regulatory and legal acts on the appointment and conduction of forensic examinations and in the specialized literature. In this regard, problematic aspects of the relationship of engineering and technical, engineering and transport, autotechnical expertise have been considered. The author has provided additional arguments on the need to separate engineering and technical as a kind of engineering and transport expertise, a subspecies of which is autotechnical expertise. The latter has been offered to be called an engineering and autotransport expertise for observing the internal logic of names in the hierarchy of this classification group of forensic examinations.
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