Conceptual Principles of State Policy in the Field of Higher Education in Ukraine: Administrative and Legal Aspect
The emphasis has been placed on the fact that due to the competent use of the necessary tools during the development and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education it is possible to create conditions for the reproduction of educational potential of our state. Particular attention has been paid to the fact that the main purpose of higher education is the state investment in human capital in order to develop skills and professional competencies for priority areas of economic activity. The ability to use them properly will ensure innovative socio-economic and cultural development of our country taking into account current needs of human beings and society. In this regard, it is important to have a clear understanding of the place and role of state policy in the field of higher education within state education policy in general, the use of the necessary legal tools in developing effective state policy within higher education, since it directly affects the competitiveness of our state on the world stage, its socio-economic development and Ukraine’s entry into the international educational and scientific space. The author has emphasized the importance of understanding the role and significance of the state policy in the field of higher education within the system of state education policy in general, outlining the priority areas of its modernization in order to bring it into line with generally accepted European standards in this area. As a result of revealing the essence of the state education policy, the author has offered to understand the state policy in the field of higher education as a set of key ideas, priorities or goals enshrined in national legislation, when the authorized subjects implement managing impact with the assistance of certain legal tools in order to ensure the proper functioning of higher education area, acquisition of skills and professional competencies by applicants for higher education, development of their employment abilities. The purpose of the state policy in the field of higher education is to create an ideal model of higher education system and its integration into the national education system, strengthening relationship between higher education institutions and the labor market, ensuring further development of socio-economic, scientific and cultural potential of our country, strengthening the intellectual potential and the state’s competitiveness on the world stage, Ukraine’s entry into the European educational and scientific space. The tasks of the state policy in the field of higher education have been systematized. That allowed to determine its characteristic features that distinguish it from other types of state policy in general and state educational policy in particular. The factors influencing the effectiveness of the state policy in the field of higher education have been highlighted. It has been emphasized that the current stage of modernization of the state policy in higher education in Ukraine is characterized by the focus on higher education as the most important innovative component of the modern economy, as the necessary prerequisite for economic growth, cultural and intellectual development.
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