• B. M. Droniv Надвірнянська місцева прокуратура Івано-Франківської області
Keywords: private law, legal status, legal personality, subjective rights, freedoms, legal interests, guarantees of implementing the rights and obligations, legal liability


The article’s objective is characteristic of patterns of the development of legal status of a person as the main subject of private law and formulation of the author’s position regarding its structure.

The relevance of the study is that the issue of legal status of the participants of legal relations has not only doctrinal value, they are key factors of the existence of real juridical relations, precondition for forming a single legal system. This requires a systematic scientific study of the structure of legal status of the objects of private and public law.

It has been indicated that officially established status of any subject is the result, the outcome of the previous development of society and at the same time the starting point for further improvement. Being essentially a static component of legal system, the status affects its dynamics. Special attention has been paid to the fact that the legal status of a person is a complex and dynamic category, the content of which in the last centuries has undergone significant structural and content transformation. The author has considered the available within scientific literature approaches to understand the structure of legal status and the assignment to it of certain elements, then the author has formulated own position on the matter.

It has been concluded that the structure of legal status of a person as the main subject of private law at the present stage of historical development is as follows: legal personality, subjective rights, freedoms, legal interests, legal obligations, guarantees of implementing the rights and obligations, legal liability. Such a set of elements allows fully describe the real state of a person within a particular legal system.


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How to Cite
Droniv, B. M. (2018) “LEGAL STATUS OF A PERSON AS A SUBJECT OF PRIVATE LAW”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 216-223. Available at: (Accessed: 19May2024).