• A. V. Stechyshyn Ivano-Frankivsk King Danylo Halitskyi University of Law
Keywords: Kost Levytskyi, legal professionalism, modern patriotism, Ukrainian state building, constitutional law


The article is focused on fundamental transformations within the formation of Ukrainian state power in the end of the ХІХ – the early ХХ century of the Eastern Halychyna, which was the part of Austria-Hungary constitutional monarchy; to the changes of national values and reference points of the state and legal development of Ukrainians; to the formative process of the new type of national patriotism and new forms of international relations between Ukrainian, Polish and Austrian parliamentary factions of the Senate and Halych Sejm. Since the middle of the ХІХ century the strategy of political struggle in creating the Ukrainian public, political and state institutes in the Eastern Halychyna, which was directed to further differentiation between leading Ukrainian and Polish national and patriotic forces got liberal democracy with the help of K. Levyrskyi. K. Levytskyi practically proved the existence of the new “modern” patriotism, which was based on the theory of liberal democracy. Ukrainian political forces and parliamentary factions mainly constructed legal, but not ideological and political character of the interaction with them and with the leaders of Polish people in the way that maximally eliminated national humiliation and negative national and patriotic feelings. K. Levytskyi adhered to the idea, that in the conditions of constitutional law in Austria-Hungary; it is necessary to pay attention not on the retrospective constituent of general history of Ukrainians and Polish, but on perspective possibility to obtain national independence of Ukrainians and Polish people in a peaceful legal way.


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How to Cite
Stechyshyn, A. V. (2018) “LEGAL PROFESSIONALISM AND MODERN PATRIOTISM OF KOST LEVYTSKYI AS A SOURCE OF STATE BUILDING POWERS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 50-61. Available at: (Accessed: 3February2025).