Keywords: principles, National Police, law enforcement activities, general and legal principles, branch principles


On the basis of etymology, scientific points of view of scholars and legal area provisions the author of the article has researched key terms in the frames of the article, in particular “principles”, “law enforcement activities”, “National Police”. The author has suggested to understand the principles as basic, core and guiding principles underlying the activities of the subjects entering into certain relationships. The author has concluded about the appropriate level of attention and the status of highlighting the issue concerning the content of the term of “law enforcement activity”, however the author has also indicated its absence within the legal field. Regarding the term of “National Police”, the author has determined the appropriate level of highlighting its content both in terms of legislation and among the scholars.

Among the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” the author has singled out general and legal principles (rule of law, keeping human rights and freedoms, the principle of legality) and branch (special) principles (openness and transparency, political neutrality, interaction with the population based on partnership, continuity). The content of branch (special) principles, which are characterized by their practical orientation, has been outlined.

In regard to the implementation of branch principles of the activities of the National Police the author has noted that a key prerequisite for the effective implementation of these principles may be the following: first, a proper legal and, secondly, proper logistical support of structural units of the National Police; thirdly, All-Ukrainian educational activities among the population concerning the procedure and specifics of law enforcement agencies’ activities, particularly the National Police. The implementation of the obtained findings will make it possible to improve the practical implementation level of the principles of the law enforcement activities of the National Police.


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How to Cite
Sokurenko, V. V. (2018) “THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 118-124. Available at: (Accessed: 5May2024).