Topical Issues of Improving the Activities of Police Commissions of the National Police of Ukraine
The author has studied the current state of the regulatory base on the activities of police commissions, including the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police", the Procedure for organizing the selection (competition) and promotion of police officers, as well as the Model procedure for holding a competition for police service and/or occupying a vacant positions.
It is proved that the basis for the formation of the general structure of police commissions should be the functional and territorial principle for building a police system. It is offered to create police commissions in territorial police units at the level of both the Main Police Directorate in the region and police departments. The emphasis was placed on the need to amend the Law of Ukraine on the National Police in terms of the fact that police commissions may not include MPs of Ukraine, their assistants; Mps of Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, district, city councils in cities, their assistants; chairmen of oblast, district councils in cities, their assistants and advisers; city, village, settlement mayors, their deputies, assistants and advisers.
Based on the analysis of the basic law regulating the activities of the National Police of Ukraine, as well as the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, propositions were formulated aimed at improving the procedure for the activities of police commissions, in particular regarding: optimization of the system of police commissions, determining the procedure and grounds for creating several commissions in territorial police agencies; improving the procedure for nominating candidates to police commissions from the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Head of the National Police and the Commissioner for Human Rights of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; depoliticizing the staff of police commissions; establishing a clear algorithm for the activities of police commissions to determine the priorities of police activities; improving the procedure for conducting interviews with candidates for positions and the procedure for assessing such interviews; establishing administrative responsibility for interfering with the work of police commissions.
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