Organizational structure of a state agency: concept, typology and directions of application to the system of the National Police of Ukraine
The author of the paper has analyzed the general theoretical approaches to determining the content and characteristics of the organizational structures of state agencies; has formulated the key principles for the formation of organizational structures. Based on the research of scientific works on the theory of public administration, administrative law, management, public management, the author has formulated own definition of the concept of “organizational structure of the National Police of Ukraine”.
The author has offered to understand it as a set of interrelated positions, structural and separate units of the National Police, which constitutes a single system of units and levels of management, and is formed in order to accomplish the assigned tasks for the provision of police services and implementation of assigned powers. It is established by regulatory acts adopted by the authorized agencies (individuals) within their own competence in compliance with a specific procedure.
The routine activities of the National Police of Ukraine are carried out in strict order determined by the regulatory acts, are characterized by a high formality of management procedures, constant organizational relations, and therefore its organizational structure belongs to rigid (bureaucratic) type structures according to its characteristics.
If we consider the system of the National Police of Ukraine on the national scale, its organizational structure refers to the divisional type, since it contains relatively separate territorial and interterritorial units that have certain autonomy in exercising their activities and management decisions. If we consider organizational structures of the central apparatus, territorial and interterritorial agencies, then their structures belong to the linear and functional type.
The results obtained by the author are an integral part of the author’s research on the topic “Public management within the National Police of Ukraine” and can be used in carrying out similar fundamental and applied research in the field of optimization of management activities of state and law enforcement agencies.
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Copyright (c) 2018 K. L. Buhaichuk

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