Keywords: National Police of Ukraine, public administration agency, tasks, functions, public and service activities, police services, public order and safety


The author has outlined the main tasks and functions of the National Police of Ukraine through the prism of its public and service activities. Herewith the author has analyzed the provision of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” and points of view of scholars regarding the concept of the police and its tasks, the place and role of the police in the relationship “police – the person (society)”, understanding of the terms “police services”, “public and service activities” “functions of the public authority (public administration)”, “police functions”. The classification of the functions of the National Police of Ukraine has been provided.

It has been noted that we should understand the basic directions of the activities of the National Police of Ukraine reflecting its essence and purpose in the state and society in the whole as functions of the National Police of Ukraine as a public administration agency.

Formation of police forces as a public and service agency reflecting the government’s desire to make the law enforcement system to serve the interests of citizens and society in general, protect and facilitate the normal realization of these interests has been proved. Special attention has been focused on the consolidation of public and service function of the National Police of Ukraine since it is to facilitate citizens in exercising their rights and legitimate interests, is transformed into public and service relationships and ensures the implementation of ideas of anthropocentrism in the sphere of public administration.


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How to Cite
Troian, V. A. (2018) “TASKS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE AS A COMPONENT OF IMPLEMENTING ITS PUBLIC AND SERVICE ACTIVITIES”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 12-18. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/93 (Accessed: 28January2025).