Local self-government as a form of public declaration of will
The author of the article has studied the principles of local self-government as a form of public declaration of will. Local self-governments cannot be absolutely independent from the state, because they operate within the system of state-power relations. Organizationally disconnected from the state power, they are functionally related to it. The procedure of formation and powers of local self-governments are defined by the state authorities acts. They operate in line with the national policy – economic, environmental, culture and may be vested with certain state powers. Therefore, the presence of a certain state control over the execution of the state functions, which are delegated to local self-governments according to the law, as well as over the compliance with the legality of local self-government has been justified. However, this control should not exceed the statutory limits and cannot interfere of local administrations and other state agencies into the activities of local councils and their executive bodies.
Local government has an important form of public power in Ukraine. It creates the conditions necessary for the approximation of power to the people, a flexible system of territorial administration, adapted to local conditions and peculiarities. Local self-government promotes initiatives of citizens, but the final result – is the development of local democracy.
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