Some aspects of the activities of the USA law enforcement agencies in the sphere of environmental safety

Keywords: USA, police, environmental police, environmental safety


The author of the article discusses the main aspects of law enforcement activities to ensure environmental safety of the state; the author analyses the legal regulation of this activity, experience that is of international importance.

The national security concept emerged in the USA after the World War II and was regarded primarily as the security of the borders of the state, as well as the integrity and inviolability of its sovereignty. However, in the process of increasing the economic potential in the world, unsustainable use of natural resources, in parallel with the growth of the population, was the issue about the ability of the environment to support the development of the human race. In this regard, environmental problems and security issues of environment in the United States were considered as a threat to national welfare and, therefore an integral part of national security.

A large role in identifying, the prevention and suppression of crimes in the sphere of ecology was assigned to law enforcement agencies. Formed Agency for environmental protection includes the division of criminal investigation, consisting of special Federal agents, who detect and investigate the most serious crimes in the field of environmental law violations. Each state also has its own departments of natural resources, which include police departments for the protection of the environment. Interestingly, to educate the population in matters of environmental legislation, to talk about activities with the aim of increasing environmental awareness of the population, is the duty of police officers. The USA experience in the sphere of ensuring environmental safety of the country can be useful for Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Brusakova, O. V. (2018) “Some aspects of the activities of the USA law enforcement agencies in the sphere of environmental safety”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 77(2), pp. 213-221. Available at: (Accessed: 22January2025).