Notification of suspicion on the web page of the General Prosecutor’s Office and in the newspaper “Uryadovyi Kurier”: requirements and algorithm of publication
The study is aimed at analysing the legal acts establishing the procedure for publishing notices of suspicion on the website of the Prosecutor General’s Office and in the newspaper “Uryadovyi Kurier” and notices of suspicion already published in these sources, determining the requirements for them and developing an algorithm for publication for prosecutors and investigators. The author uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative legal, formal and logical, systemic and structural, graphical and other methods of scientific research.
The article establishes that the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine defines the obligation of an investigator or prosecutor to serve a notice of suspicion by publishing it on the website of the Office of the Prosecutor General and in the mass media of national distribution. This method of delivery is possible for both general and special pre-trial investigation regimes. It is emphasised that the notice of suspicion to be published on the website and in the mass media of the national sphere of distribution have differences in content, format, data that may be made public, and place of publication. In order to prevent possible violations, the requirements for suspicion notifications are detailed and visualised in the form of a table.
It is found that the procedure for publishing notices of suspicion for investigators and prosecutors is different. The author identifies the stages required for publishing notices of suspicion for investigators and prosecutors and develops appropriate algorithms.
The findings of the study can be used in lawmaking activities in the development and improvement of regulations on this topic, in practical activities by investigators of pre-trial investigation bodies, prosecutors when serving a person with a notice of suspicion, in scientific activities to continue research in this area, in educational activities to prepare materials for teaching students, cadets, trainees in legal specialties and for advanced training of investigators and prosecutors.
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Copyright (c) 2024 A. V. Hutnyk

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