Public health protection as the sphere of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the acts of acquis communautaire

  • O. S. Pronevych Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: human health, public health protection, adaptation of legislation, acquis communautaire, prevention of diseases, promotion of healthy lifestyle


The state of doctrinal and legal justification and legal fixing of public health protection to the sphere of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the acts of acquis communautaire. It has been found out that a comprehensive strategy of the implementation of European legal and management standards in the sphere of health care is still absent, and some adaptation measures do not contribute to a deep modernization of the national health care system and upgrading branch legislation.

European organizational and legal measures provided by the Association Agreement in the sphere of health care have sporadic, not systematic nature. Implementation of the provisions of acquis communautaire acts in this area is considered as a mean of operative resolution of the local problems in some sectors to ensure public health. Instead, there is still the need for transposition of tested approaches in EU member-states to improving the management of health care sector (primarily, we refer to the implementation of the basic provisions of the European concept of good governance, improving the culture of approving management decisions, establishment of effective intersectoral cooperation of the authorized subjects, rethinking the current paradigm of preventing diseases and strengthening preventive focus of the functioning of health care system, diversification of the sources of financing of medical institutions), improving the quality of health care, increasing the duration of active life, improving the demographic situation, developing an effective control over the quality and the use of drugs, etc.


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How to Cite
Pronevych, O. S. (2018) “Public health protection as the sphere of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the acts of acquis communautaire”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 77(2), pp. 155-164. Available at: (Accessed: 2February2025).