Psychological Aspects of a Police Officer’s Professional Success
The article analyses the general concept of human success from various psychological and scientific perspectives, as well as the concept of “a police officer’s professional success” separately, since it plays an important role for both the individual and society at the present stage of society development. The author emphasises that at the scientific and legislative levels there are no explanations and clarifications as to who is a professionally successful police officer. The study provides a generalised analysis of police officers’ powers, among which the main ones are highlighted which every police officer must perform regardless of their position, length of service and other factors. The importance of professional training of police officers during their service is also emphasised.
To determine the level of success of a police officer’s professional activity, it is proposed to take into account a combination of two components – external and internal. The external component of police officers’ activity includes professional development, which is characterized by the level of performance of the main professional tasks based on knowledge of the principles and powers of the National Police of Ukraine at the legislative level. The internal component includes individual psychological properties of a police officer, which to a certain extent ensure efficient and high-quality performance of functional duties.
In addition, the importance of social intelligence as a means of effective and comfortable interaction with the public is emphasised. Particular attention is paid to the coping strategy of a police officer, which allows him/her to effectively cope with stressful situations arising during the performance of official tasks. Through the analysis of the main powers of police officers, the need for them to have emotional intelligence, which includes such components as empathy, understanding, recognition and the ability to manage their own and other people’s emotions, is determined.
Moreover, the article shows the importance for police work of such an individual property of a person as the level of internality, which determines the ability of a person to control and manage his/her behaviour, take responsibility for his/her own actions, influence the formation and development of such internal factors as motivation, efficiency of decision-making in stressful situations. Finally, it is concluded that the interrelation of external and internal components is important for determining the level of professional success of a police officer.
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