Methods of forensic examination of Nalbuphine
The article discusses the peculiarities of forensic examination of nalbuphine hydrochloride, a prescription medicine that can be purchased without a prescription in many pharmacies. At present, in Ukraine, nalbuphine is not subject to subject-quantitative accounting in healthcare facilities and by pharmaceutical manufacturers, but in some countries it is included in the list of narcotic drugs. It is emphasised that nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic opioid analgesic, which is chemically similar to morphine and phenanthrene. In terms of pharmacological action, it belongs to the group of opioid receptor agonists-antagonists (pentazocine, buprenorphine, butorphanol).
The article provides a brief overview of the effectiveness of nalbuphine for pain relief in various cases, as well as examples of abuse of opioids in combination preparations and facts of non-medical use of nalbuphine. The effectiveness of opioids as painkillers is undeniable, but today, given the risk/benefit ratio, the expediency of their long-term use is questionable. There are more and more recommendations to avoid the use of opioids. Nalbuphine in combination with other psychotropic substances, medicines and in large doses is life-threatening, so it is proposed to further study and control it more deeply at the state level by amending the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the List of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors” of 6 May 2000 No. 770, in particular, to classify nalbuphine as a narcotic drug.
The article analyses the peculiarities of sampling and sample preparation, the main stages of chemical research of this potentially dangerous opioid using thin-layer chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography with a mass-selective detector. It is emphasised that the experimental data presented in the article will help in choosing the most appropriate methods and conditions for the study of nalbuphine, and will allow an objective assessment of the results of expert research.
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