Main threats to the state’s interests in the sphere of information security of Ukraine
The article emphasises that in the context of the significant impact of information on society, one of the main threats faced by modern states is information.
It is noted that the phenomenon of the State interests embodies the interconnection of public interests and the specifics of their implementation by public authorities established at the regulatory, legal, organisational and administrative levels, taking into account the economic, social, political, diplomatic, security and information foundations of the State's vital activity.
For the purpose of more comprehensive understanding of the main threats to the interests of the state in the field of information security of Ukraine, the following threats are identified: the use of information influence to distort political opinion and attitudes of the population to certain phenomena, processes, public authorities, political forces and individuals; imperfect regulatory and legal support for the information security of the state; deliberate distortion of information at the level of state leaders and diplomatic representatives and their negative impact on the opinion of the international community; insufficient participation of the Ukrainian population in countering information attacks; insufficient institutional and organisational support for information security education and the formation of an information security culture in society.
In order to eliminate the above threats, it is proposed to: develop a comprehensive legal act on the principles of information security of Ukraine, which would consolidate real and potential threats to information security, the foundations of the State policy in the field of information security, in particular under martial law, which would facilitate further development of this area, consistency of certain by-laws and regulations that partially regulate this area and lay down a strategic vision of its development; use the potential of modern information technologies in the process of disseminating information about real problems and needs at the grassroots level; convey to the international community the real, not artificially formed, moods and ideas of the population regarding certain problems related to patriotism and loyalty to the state; introduce information security education, which allows equipping the population with a set of necessary knowledge about the basics of critical thinking, information hygiene and media security; In order to eliminate the above threats, it is proposed to: develop a culture of information security by developing national strategies that would cover a set of educational, ideological, cultural activities, as well as different categories of the population, for example, developing a system of professional development for public servants, teaching certain disciplines for students of higher education institutions and holding classes, competitions, tournaments for students of general secondary education institutions.
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