Compliance with the rules of military registration as the implementation of military duty by citizens of Ukraine
The article is devoted to a scientific study of the organisation of military registration of conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists, which is carried out by military authorities in the context of citizens' duty to defend the Motherland. The main purpose of the article is to identify certain problems of military registration and ways of their solution through administrative and legal regulation of the activities of the bodies entrusted with the task of organising and maintaining personal and high-quality registration of conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists.
Using the method of systemic analysis, the structure and basic requirements of legal institutions that regulate relations that arise in the process of military service by citizens have been investigated. The special legal method made it possible to reveal the content and procedure for fulfilling citizens’ obligations to comply with the rules of military registration. Using the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and analogy, the basic requirements for conscripts have been investigated and proposals for improving the legislation in the field of military accounting have been presented.
The scientific novelty of the article is set out in the conclusions and consists in improving the scientific views on the legal nature of the concept of “military duty” enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which should be considered a logical continuation of the development in legislation of the constitutional duty to defend the Motherland and perform military service and consists in the imperatively established obligation of a person to take active steps to prepare for military service, perform military service and comply with the rules of military registration. A number of amendments and additions to the current legislation on military registration in Ukraine have been scientifically substantiated and proposed.
The findings of the study can be used to develop amendments to the legislation of Ukraine and improve law enforcement practice in the field of military registration in Ukraine.
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