Theoretical and legal features of key institutions in Municipal Law
It has been established that the institutions of Municipal Law are the key elements of the studied branch of law. This is due to the fact that they are more clear, specific and homogeneous regulatory elements with regard to their subject matter, which allows making certain structural and substantive changes to them without affecting other components of the Municipal Law system. The division into institutes helps to group legal norms that are homogeneous in terms of subject matter and methods of regulation, which contributes to a clearer definition of the main directions of the regulatory impact of Municipal Law and ensures more meaningful and efficient regulation of relevant legal relations, as well as the internal integrity and autonomy of the Municipal Law system.
The following are proposed to be classified as the institutions of Municipal Law: general principles of local self-government (constitutional and legal norms); guarantee of local self-government; exercise of power by the people through local self-government bodies; principles of organisation and operation of local self-government entities; local elections and referendums; various forms of direct participation of citizens in resolving local issues; territorial communities; executive bodies of village, town, city, district and city councils; village, town and city heads; institution of representative bodies of local self-government; communal property; local budget and local finance; responsibility of local self-government bodies and officials.
It has been noted that the above-mentioned institutions of Municipal Law are not exhaustive, but they reveal the essence of the relevant branch of law in the most meaningful way. It has been emphasised that an important task of the legislator is to create appropriate legal and organisational conditions for ensuring high-quality and efficient functioning and interaction of all municipal law institutions.
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