Scientific support for the use of psychiatric knowledge in the investigation of crimes against human life and health
The category of criminal offences against life and health is quite significant. A large number of crimes included in this category are characterised by a high level of social danger, as they encroach on the greatest social value which is life and health of a person. In the investigation of such crimes, it is typical to use specialised knowledge in the fields of forensic psychiatry and psychology in procedural and non-procedural forms. Given that the process of cognition and assimilation of scientific knowledge begins with clarification of the peculiarities of its historical development, the purpose of the article is to clarify the state of scientific development of the issues related to the use of special psychiatric and psychological knowledge in the investigation of crimes against life and health of a person.
It has been determined that the current state of scientific significance of the use of special psychiatric and psychological knowledge in the investigation of crimes against human life and health is influenced by the peculiarities of development of criminal procedure legislation. In addition, based on the analysis of legal literature, the assessment of the developments made by Ukrainian scholars has been provided. It is established that careful attention has been paid to the study of certain aspects of the appointment of forensic psychiatric and forensic psychological examinations in the investigation of various types of murders, bodily injuries, and domestic violence. At the same time, based on the results of the generalisation of scientific works authored by Ukrainian scholars, it has been determined that the national legal literature does not address the peculiarities of involving specialists in investigative (search) actions in the course of investigation of crimes against life and health of a person, as well as the prospects for implementing non-procedural forms of using specialised knowledge. The article emphasizes that this issue, as well as the prospects for using specialised knowledge of psychology and psychiatry in non-procedural forms, require a thorough analysis and coverage in the legal literature in order to improve the practical activities of the prosecution in criminal proceedings.
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