Theoretical and legal characteristics of the civil law principles
It has been noted that the purpose of the principles of law is to ensure a uniform formulation of legal norms and their impact on social relations in the form of legal regulation and other forms of legal influence. They identify ways to improve legal provisions and act as guiding ideas for legislators. When enshrined in legal acts, principles ensure the unity of the processes of creating, implementing and protecting law.
It has been proved that the principles of civil law are best understood as the starting points, the basic ideas underlying the formation, functioning and further development of the relevant branch of law. They create and provide the ideological basis for the development and proper regulation of social relations which are the subject matter of the civil branch of law.
It has been argued that the list of principles enshrined in the Civil Code of Ukraine is not exhaustive, but is supplemented by the following principles: good faith and good intentions; enforcement of obligations; protection of property rights; protection of the right to inviolability of the person; freedom of will; equality and equality of the parties to a civil contract (agreement); compliance with contractual obligations; economic freedom; and recognition of legal capacity.
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