Notary independence in the course of notarial acts
Based on the analysis of the scientific views of scholars and the norms of current legislation, a list of notarial acts that notaries are authorised to perform has been provided. The author’s own definition of the concept of “notarial acts” has been proposed. The importance of ensuring the independence of notaries in the course of notarial acts has been emphasised. A number of aspects confirming this thesis have been presented.
It has been established that notarial acts are a set of legally significant acts performed by a notary with the aim of providing notarial services as defined by the current legislation. The purpose of notarial acts is to ensure, firstly, the observance and protection of legal rights, freedoms and interests of individuals and legal entities, including those of a tangible and intangible nature, and secondly, the correctness and legality of concluding contracts, confirming documents and providing other legal services as defined by current legislation.
It has been noted that in the course of notarial acts, a notary must be an independent and impartial mediator between the parties, and act exclusively in compliance with the applicable law. This, in turn, ensures the reliability and legitimacy of transactions concluded between the parties and helps to prevent attempts at fraud and manipulation of documents.
It has been generalised that ensuring the appropriate level of notary independence in the course of notarial acts is important: firstly, for notaries themselves, since in this case they are able to perform their activities free from any influence, which is an additional guarantee of ensuring the regime of legality in their work; secondly, for users of notaries’ services, since notary independence is a guarantee of observance of the rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities, and is also a preventive measure against any unlawful acts (fraud, document forgery, etc.).
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