Essence, purpose and objectives of pre-trial investigation: theoretical and legal characteristics
It has been proved that a pre-trial investigation can be defined in two ways: firstly, as a process defined in the provisions of the current criminal procedure legislation and implemented by specially authorized entities; secondly, as an activity aimed at collecting, verifying and evaluating evidence, in particular, establishing all the necessary objective circumstances of a criminal offence and the range of entities involved in it, which will allow the court to resolve the case fairly on the merits. It has been argued that pre-trial investigation is an important stage of criminal proceedings, which makes it possible not only to ensure and protect the rights, freedoms and interests of a person and a citizen, but also to simplify the work of the judicial system, make it more transparent and efficient. In addition, if the pre-trial investigation is conducted properly, it can increase public confidence in justice, as there will be a belief that the case is being handled objectively and fairly.
The following key tasks of the pre-trial investigation have been identified: to find out the circumstances of the criminal offence (time, place, method of its commission, information about the person who committed the crime); to collect evidence that undoubtedly proves that a particular person committed the crime (testimony, photo and video materials that can help establish the facts of the crime and identify the person who committed it); to establish the circle of suspects, etc. This involves identifying a range of potential suspects and conducting interrogations with them to establish their involvement in the crime; evaluating evidence, establishing its reliability and relevance to the case; making decisions on serving a notice of suspicion and referring the proceedings to court; making decisions on continuing the pre-trial investigation or terminating it; restoring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the victim, compensating for the damage caused, etc.
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