Application of concentrated learning technology in the professional training of forensic experts
The relevance of improving training to increase the productivity of experts in expert institutions has been emphasised. The world experience of applying concentrated learning in the general scientific process has been analysed. The structure of concentrated learning as a technology of the pedagogical process, as well as the resources that can be released to increase the productivity of learning through the use of concentrated learning technology, have been studied. The system of forensic experts’ training in Ukraine and the issues of professional training of forensic experts have been analysed and summarised. On the basis of the analysis, the features of application of the concentrated learning technology elements in the training and practical activities of forensic experts in Ukraine have been considered.
The problematic issues of integrating forensic experts who have just obtained a qualification in a certain expert speciality into the work process and their further professional development have been highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of using the technology of concentrated training in expert practice have been considered. The mechanism of its application in expert practice through the introduction of temporary specialisation has been added to the basic general pedagogical technology. The term “temporary specialisation” has been introduced and its interpretation provided. The advantages and disadvantages of temporary specialisation from the point of view of the expert and the organisational structure (laboratory, department, sector, etc.) of the expert institution, which includes a forensic expert, have been considered. It has been proved that the components of the concentrated learning technology may be useful for increasing the efficiency of training of forensic experts, their further professional development and improving the productivity of the organisational structure of an expert institution which includes a forensic expert.
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Copyright (c) 2023 D. V. Klymchuk, S. V. Ihnatov

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