Standardisation of prof by investigating judges when exercising their powers to consider requests for permission to conduct procedural actions
Based on the modern achievements of the national science in criminal procedure and the development of the theory of evidence in criminal proceedings, in particular, its standardization, the author examines the theoretical prerequisites for standardization of evidence by an investigating judge when considering requests for permission to conduct procedural actions. The following conclusions are emphasised: 1) the concepts of functions and powers of an investigating judge are multilevel, and powers are of optional, auxiliary significance in relation to the function. The function of judicial control finds its practical implementation through the formal existence of a certain range of powers of the investigating judge and through their exercise during criminal proceedings; 2) the consideration of requests for permission to conduct procedural actions is a type of powers of the investigating judge aimed at exercising the function of judicial control over the observance of the rights, freedoms and interests of persons in criminal proceedings; 3) the consideration of requests for permission to conduct procedural actions is carried out in the form of evidence, which is standardised by the legislator; 4) standards of proof are a set of rules that must be followed by the subject of criminal proceedings and ensure that he or she has the level of conviction necessary to make a lawful and reasonable decision; 5) when considering requests for procedural actions (depending on the type of procedural action), the investigating judge must be guided by the following standards of proof: reasonable grounds, reasonable suspicion; beyond reasonable doubt; 6) the guidelines for the application of the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard by the investigating judge when deciding on the choice of preventive measures are not directly provided for by law, but follow from the nature and objectives of this procedure.
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