Detention of a person committed a criminal offence: criminal procedural and forensic characteristics
The features of detention of a person who has committed a criminal offence are analysed. The main features of the legal nature of the relevant institution in the system of pre-trial investigation of criminal offences are presented, and also the idea of the main range of problematic issues arising in the course of implementation of the relevant provisions of law is summarised. The author provides arguments on the procedural grounds for applying detention of a person committed a criminal offence, and also outlines the main forensic (general and special) features of its implementation.
Detention of a person who has committed a criminal offence is a temporary measure of restraint applied on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure established by the CPC of Ukraine by an authorised official (police officers, military personnel and other persons authorised by relevant laws to carry out detention) in respect of a person committed a criminal offence (i.e. an act for which the main penalty is a fine of not more than three thousand tax-free minimum incomes or other punishment not involving imprisonment). The detention of a person who has committed a criminal offence should be distinguished from administrative detention, as they differ in the grounds, terms and procedure. The practice of using administrative detention for the purposes of criminal proceedings is unacceptable, as the European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly pointed out.
Prospect for the further research is the need to analyse the measures of restraint used during the pre-trial investigation of criminal offences, as well as to clarify the existential content and essence of the relevant institution, and its importance for the criminal justice system in general.
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