An investigative experiment in the destruction or damage to property investigation
During the investigation of criminal offences involving the destruction or damage to property, an investigative experiment is an effective means of establishing the circumstances of the case and the guilt of the suspect. It has been proved that during an investigative experiment, not only the reliability of the information obtained during the investigation is verified, the scene of the event is recreated, taking into account the situation, details and features of the criminal offence, but also the accuracy of the investigative versions put forward regarding the circumstances of criminal acts. Various types of investigative experiment require the selection of certain participants, location and conditions.
The purpose of the study is to develop a classification of types of investigative experiment and to assess the results of their conduct. For better arrangement, selection of conditions and evaluation of the results obtained, it has been proposed to divide the types of investigative experiment into two groups depending on the participation/non-participation of a suspect, victim or witness in the investigative action. The purpose of the investigative experiment classification in these groups is to reproduce the actions, situation, circumstances of a particular event, to conduct experiments or tests. The first group includes investigative experiments with the participation of a person, which are conducted to establish the ability to hear, see, perform certain actions, the availability of professional, criminal and other skills, awareness of the situation in a particular place related to a criminal offence (verification of testimony on the spot). The second group is investigative experiments without the participation of a person, which are conducted to establish the existence of an objective fact, phenomenon, the course of a particular event as a whole or its stages, the mechanism of trace formation.
Each type of investigative experiment provides suggestions for a specific location and conditions similar to the circumstances of the offence. The positive and negative results of the experiment are the basis for a preliminary assessment in the form of categorical or possible judgements about the circumstances that are being checked or clarified. The reliability or probability of the results of the investigative experiment is determined during the final assessment in conjunction with other evidence established in the proceedings.
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