Objects of forensic documentary science
The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of the transformation of the “document” concept as an object of forensic research and to the identification of the main directions of development of forensic documentary science. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical, formal-logical, formal-legal approaches, and a number of general scientific methods (historical, functional, praxeological). The systematic approach has ensured the comprehensive nature of the study and the unification of its results with a general theoretical conclusion. The scientific novelty lies in the establishment of promising areas for the development of an innovative methodology for conducting forensic document examination in the context of the use of special technical means and the methodology for the use of modern software products.
With the development of digital technologies, forensic science, in particular documentary science, has faced a significant number of new objects that require different approaches to research methods and tools. The transformation of the document as an object of forensic document science has significantly increased the demand for innovative technologies for research, making it necessary to integrate science and digital technologies in the investigation of crimes. The increase in the number of offences requiring the examination of electronic data storage devices poses new challenges for forensic experts, requiring modern means of recording and comparing them with standards. Forensic document research has acquired a different meaning and faced new challenges. With the development of digital technologies, forensic documentary requires the improvement of methods and means of researching information storage media.
The transformation of the “document” concept has led to its definition as a carrier of information regardless of the way it is recorded. In parallel with the study of the classical written paper document, forensic science has in a short time mastered the methods and means of studying plastic cards, digital storage devices and electronic money. Forensic science defines a document as an object such as video documents, photo documents, film documents, etc. The current level of research is not determined by the traditional comparison with a reference sample, and sometimes such a sample does not exist at all. The research of a document cannot be considered complete without determining the originality of the information it contains, without comparing this information with other possible storage media of the same information.
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