Elements of forensic description of threats or violence against a law enforcement officer
Proper legal regulation of the protection of law enforcement officers from unlawful attacks should be one of the most important tasks of a developed state governed by the rule of law, especially in the context of active hostilities, because even in peacetime law enforcement officers put their health and lives at risk. At the same time, state institutions must provide adequate guarantees to ensure the normal functioning of the law enforcement system.
The purpose of the research is to study and carry out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the structural elements of the forensic description of threats or violence against a law enforcement officer, to determine their essence, to study the legal framework governing the processes, and to identify possible areas for improving their legal regulation.
The research was conducted using a range of general scientific and special scientific methods: dialectical, comparative legal, systemic-historical and logical analysis, analogy, formal logic, substantive legal logic, and comparative methods. The author has studied a wide range of scientific sources on the subject matter under study. The materials of investigative and judicial practice have been studied and analysed in detail. Legislative and regulatory acts have been studied and compared.
On the basis of the conducted research, the author has formed a typical list of elements of the forensic description of threats or violence against a law enforcement officer, and each element has been characterised, and examples of application of the elements in the practical activities of law enforcement officers have been provided. Recommendations have been made on the application of the elements of forensic description which can be used by law enforcement officers and other stakeholders to improve the practical application of forensic description of threats or violence against a law enforcement officer.
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