Current issues of regulating on recording of the employee’s labor activities
This article has analyzed the current labor legislation on recording of an employee’s labor activity. The study focuses on the settlement of theoretical and practical problematic aspects of the process of employment records digitalization, and on the non-infringement of employees’ and pensioners’ labor rights and as subjects of labor relations in this regard.
The law stipulates that an employee’s work activity will be recorded in electronic form. In addition, it regulates the procedure for accumulating, processing and using this information to confirm the length of service and automatically grants pensions with the right to postpone retirement. The legislator envisages a gradual transition from paper to electronic employment records by 2025. Within this period, it is possible to use both versions of the existing or entered information about the employee’s work history from the state register.
We believe that the purpose of introducing a digital analog of a paper employment record book was to improve the recording of Ukrainians’ labor activity, reduce paperwork and the associated risks of loss or damage to documents. It has been found that the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Electronic Employee Labor Records” have gaps in this regard which require further improvement and elaboration.
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