The a criminal’s identity as an element of forensic characteristics of causing negligent serious or moderate bodily harm
The characteristic features of the criminal’s personality as an element of forensic characteristics of causing negligent serious or moderate bodily harm have been defined and revealed. The following criminologically significant features inherent in the person of the criminal have been analyzed, such as demographic data, moral qualities, psychological features; a set of psychophysical properties and qualities, motivational attitudes, emotional and rational spheres of human consciousness; social and legal data, natural and biological information about a person; socio-demographic properties, psychological qualities, biological features; social, biological, psychological and other characteristics.
An analysis of the suspect’s moral and psychological characteristics, the presence of a certain degree of irritability and excitement, the ability to go to active aggressive, inappropriate actions has been carried out. It has been established that the criminal’s lifestyle, propensity to abuse alcoholic beverages or the use of narcotic drugs are of great importance, which can affect the psychological state of a person and his reactions to events.
Aggressive reactions of the criminal during careless infliction of severe or moderate bodily harm have been studied, among which the following were highlighted, in particular physical aggression (assault); indirect aggression; irritability; negativism; image; suspiciousness; verbal aggression. Reckless criminals were divided into the following categories: random criminals who committed reckless crimes for the first time, acted unconsciously under the influence of a contributing or even provoking situation or a special psychophysiological state; unstable criminals, who for the first time committed careless crimes in a normal or hindering situation, violated the rules of caution knowingly; malicious careless criminals who were previously convicted of crimes, and also committed particularly malicious violations of the rules of caution with a general negative orientation of the person.
According to the results of the conducted research, the following characteristic features of criminals who commit bodily harm due to carelessness have been identified, namely they are mainly adult men who commit the crime alone, without prior training, have secondary special and general secondary education, are unmarried, are temporarily employed in a low-paid job or not work, were not in a state of intoxication at the time of committing the crime, mainly had no previous convictions.
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